Community Day June 2016

 “A good neighbor increases the value of your property.” I just wanted to take a moment and thank everyone who was a part of our Community Day last weekend and had an impact increasing the value of all our properties. We accomplished so much in a day that would have taken several contractors days (and thousands of dollars) to complete. We raised the canopies on several trees, repainted the parking lines, cleaned up debris, and made our entrance much more welcoming. So thank you to Bert and Elaine for owning the parking lot lines! I also saw an assist from Lauren, Chris and Mr. Blanks (painting straight lines is harder than it looks!). Thank you to Rudy, Linda, Jodie, Jared (and his dad!), and Laura for trimming trees, pulling bushes and cutting down limbs like pros!!  Mr. and Mrs. Swain were involved with everything and we are very grateful for the waters they passed around and helping to clean up all the debris. A huge thank you to Matt and Kristi for borrowing a trailer and yard tools; we could not have done it without them! We hauled off 2 large loads of materials collected from community day.  Thank you to Ms. Chris for donating painting supplies and children to repaint our handicapped spots; they did an awesome job! Thank you to all the neighbors who came out to help and gave such positive feedback about our Community Day.

 Your neighbor,

Ashley Burcroff
